For The Love of Chandler

Higher Education

To educate is to impart knowledge and understanding – to empower one with wisdom to make better choices that will hopefully lead them to better lives and be better citizens. When environments of higher education are provided to people of all ages in Chandler, our city will continue to flourish with endless possibilities, leading to a thriving economy. Brilliant minds have and will continue to contribute to our city through business development, job creation, the teaching of others, and the greatest gift a citizen can give – volunteerism. My goal as a Chandler City Council member is to foster influential partnerships with higher education Universities like Grand Canyon University, University of Arizona, Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University, and to help increase educational opportunities, not only for all our citizens but to make Chandler a destination location for higher education.

Enriching Neighborhoods

In my 30+ years of living in Chandler, there has not been a day that my family and I have not felt safe and protected where I have lived and worked. Our city is known for having communities where families and individuals can live, work, worship, play and shop right in their own neighborhoods. This is a blessing and a great compliment to our City leaders, and especially to our Chandler Police Department. The heart and hard work they put into their jobs are worth noting. Because of my personal experience, it is my goal to see that all citizens live in enriched neighborhoods – neighborhoods that are safe, have good schools, strong businesses, and positive entertainment venues. As a member of Chandler City Council, I will listen to citizen ideas and address concerns. I will work with the Chandler Police Department to create more dialogue with communities, and I will advocate for increased resources for existing programs. I will work hard every day to ensure that Chandler continues to be a place where families and individuals will want to continue living and working for years to come.

More Free market solutions

As a Chandler City Council member, my focus will be on finding solutions to increase our fiscal position, and to encourage the economic development of the Middle Class. I will also focus on helping those in need of a better life for themselves and their families. When we lift up the entrepreneur, we empower them to be all they can be. The entrepreneur has the potential to go beyond supporting their own family – they can succeed to the benefit of the community. Free Market solutions have always been the backbone of Chandler. The founding families of Chandler established their lives and businesses here, and through their perseverance and determination, we can clearly see how their small ventures have grown to thriving businesses and become the bedrock of our community. In that same spirit, my goal is to encourage both small and big businesses to make their voices heard, right here in Chandler.

Embracing Our Diversity

One of the most attractive things about Chandler is our rich history of diversity. We are a city that is comprised of a mix of race, gender, age, socio-economic standing, and religious beliefs. This is who we are and who we have always been. We can see through our great history that this city came to be because of the many diverse individuals who have chosen to call it home. As a member of the Chandler City Council, one of my goals will be to embrace our diversity by honoring every one of our citizens for who they are. I will commit my time to, and advocate resources for, our Chandler Diversity Office – and I will encourage our citizens to do the same. We who make up this great city have one thing in common – our love for Chandler and our desire to see it succeed. I believe by embracing the commonalities of our diverse backgrounds we will see Chandler flourish for generations to come.

In Chandler, together we are stronger.

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Christine Ellis

Chandler Vice Mayor

International Women's History
Christine Ellis 2020

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Authorized by Christine Ellis
Paid for by Christine Ellis